Backyard Observatory


I like the kind of people who get excited over the stars at night.

About me

My name is Yannick and I love space and photography. That's all you need to know at the moment. Maybe my images speak for themselves 😉

Backyard Observatory

Almost all of my images are captured from my backyard in Southern Germany.

I live under heavy light pollution (Bortle 7-8), so I almost always shoot in Narrowband only. My primary rig is mainly equipped with the following optics and accessories:

    • Telescope: Celestron RASA 8", RASA 11"
    • Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM PRO, QHY 268M
    • Mount: iOptron CEM60
    • Guiding: Guidescope 240mm, ZWO ASI 120MM
    • Filter: Baader f/2 Ultra-Highspeed Narrowband and Baader Broadband Filters in 2"
    • Accessories: Starizona Filter Slider, Celestron Focus Motor for SCT, Pegasus Ultimate Power Box v2, Dew Heater Straps

Secondary Rig

The Rig is started Astrophotography with and I mainly use for smaller objects:

  • Telescope: Explore Scientific ED 102 APO FCD1
  • Camera: ZWO ASI 1600MM PRO
  • Mount: iOptron CEM60
  • Guiding: Guidescope 240mm, ZWO ASI 120MM
  • Filter: Astronomik Narrowband Filters (6nm), Baader Broadband Filters all in the 1.25" variant
  • Accessories: TS PHOTOLINE x0.80 Reducer/Korrektor, ZWO Filter Wheel, Pegasus Focus Cube, Dew Heater Straps

Astrophotography is an art

It’s about finding extra-ordinary

In an ordinary place

Download my full resolution astrophotos here: